
“Traditional Finnish Bath” or as known Sauna, It is protective against diseases and has the feature of treating many health problems. 15 minutes to pass in sauna temperature, it helps to get the body refreshed by getting rid of the fatigue of the day.

Mary Spa Center Sauna, this is a kind of hot air bath made of wood with hot and dry air in the sauna and large enough for people to move.In general, the temperature in the sauna is between 40 and 90 ° C.The temperature is 100 degrees Celsius in the ceiling height.

The fIrst effect of the sauna Is In the heart and cIrculatory system.

The sauna allows the removal of toxic substances from the body through sweating and the cleaning of pores in the skin.The direct effect of the sudden encounter with hot and dry air in the sauna is in the heart and circulatory system. There is an increase of 5-10% in the blood circulation of the skin in the sauna environment and 60-70% in the heart blood flow. In addition, the muscles relax and relax, fatigue and stress are eliminated.

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In addition to the stress reduction feature provided by the sauna, increases the production of antibodies in the body and strengthens the immune system. It is also useful in the treatment of asthma, chronic bronchitis, skin diseases, hormonal disorders, insomnia and depression. In particular, rheumatic diseases such as joint pain and limitation of movement are reduced by 40-70%. Correctly applied sauna bath, muscle and joint diseases are used as hot treatment. In patients with muscular pain and arthritis calcification, it is useful with its softening effect. In an article published in the US Physical Therapy Association in Italy in 2010; he found that regular hot sauna treatment reduced joint pain, increased movement, and the patient began to use less medication.